Thursday, February 19, 2009 Y 9:44 PM Today was a A VERY TIRING day. Had chem and tamil PPA in the morning. Tamil was so funny okay. It's like i took 5 minutes to read all the questions and actually understand them D: One of the questions was so retarded. It goes like this okay. "You and your family were getting ready to attend a wedding. While you were getting ready, your parents realised they have something else urgent to attend, therefore they leave first for the wedding and are on their way home, while you continue to get ready and then head towards the wedding. While you are there, eating at the buffet table, you realise you are at the wrong wedding. Describe your feelings at that moment." OMGG. I wanted to laugh and laugh. First thing you do when you go for a wedding, don't need to check if you know anyone there or not, just head STRAIGHT for the buffet table. Then realise you're at the wrong wedding. Questions are so funny sometimes. Anyway, then had chem prac haha. I was totally rushing the prac and i spilt NaOH everywhere. Nevermind. After choir, didn't watch movie like planned (haha see sarah, had no life after all) but went to far east with sheena to have "lunch" like at 4. HAHA we sat at far east until like almost 6 at the benches talking. It was very entertaining! Thanks sheena (: (: at least i didnt feel SO sad when i went home. Thats about it. I TOTALLY FORGOT THERE WAS SCHOOL TOMORROW OMG. I thought it was a SATURDAY! what is this. FEELS LIKE END OF EYA. edit and janelle, i feel very chloe-ish about choir too. MY VOICE SUCKED TODAY D: i cant sing low notes OR high notes. why ugh. /edit Saturday, February 14, 2009 Y 10:25 PM One of my worksheets just DISAPPEARED. IT'S SO PUZZLING, it just VANISHED. im still confused. and I realised i get sleepy very easily D: D: Just now, while reading chem on my bed, i don't know what happened but i woke up one hour later in the same position with the worksheet in my hand. I really need to concentrate oh man. Today choir was quite good. Ran with janelle and jovina at the back of the track. The rest of the track was being used, and we looked so retarded running back and forth randomly at the back near the basketball courts when the sec ones were having some house games. Anyway, ran 10 laps which according to me is very fit for now okay. It's better than my usual which is, zero. Anyway, running really helps the voice warm up :D :D i felt so warmed up and it's nice to sing sop parts when warmed up. But nevermind, gallop is nice too (: White horses sounds a lot better, and it helps that people say retarded cheesy not so funny claire jokes to wake people up haha. After choir, stayed back in choir room with janelle to study chem. No one else could/ wanted to stay back ): ): anyway, it was QUITE productive for the first half really; a lot more productive than i thought it would be heehee. It was quite funny cause both of us didn't know where to start but we managed to do one test, which is quite good heh. Really more than i would do alone, although no one believes me that studying with people can be productive. Haha anyway, janelle, although you are such a pantsyretardsygoonzzz for making me wait for you in the foyer today like a homeless hobbo, thanks for "studying" with me (: (: Oh yeah and thanks everyone for the valentine's day gifts, esp amanda, who thinks im a cutie(: haha i feel bad for not getting anyone anything this year. I GAVE HUGS though. IT'S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS. Okay, i hate this exam period. It's WORSE THAN MYA. omgg. I wanna go watch ep 39 of We Got Married! but im feeling sleepy oh no. Okay im going to reply tags Sarah: Just like shi hui's right haha. She and her last bread crumb left or whatever heehee. OH NO, i mean NOT like her's right. Sinyee: Hey! :D Janelle: WHY DO YOU HAVE TO GO THIOMAN. GO incredible INDIA WITH ME. NEW EXPERIENCE. AND IT'S kinda like SURVIVOR, trust me. Chengyi: Helloooo chengyi :D love ya too and bero on! Friday, February 13, 2009 Y 9:42 PM I'm really starting to feel SYF nearing. Today, having the talk with the choir made it sort of sink in that there is only a few more months left, and the rehearsal is in two weeks. I don't know if the choir is ready yet, but i know we will be (: Today, AVE sounded really better. A lot better than when we first sang it. Alto 2 chorus one; i know many of you complained a lot cause of the ridiculous low notes and how it was killing your throat and everything but we're really improving and i'm glad none of you bailed on us. Everytime we sing the low notes, i practically melt and i know everyone else in choir, who, im sure, are TOTALLY jealous of our part haha, feel the same way. The chords of AVE and everything come together really nicely. And, everytime i look around the room and i see the expression in everyone's faces while the chords come together, it's really heartwarming cause we're no longer just singing notes. It's like we're making music. We're all in this together :) I just know that after SYF the harmony of AVE will stay in my mind for a long time and everytime i think of it, i'll remember these practises that we have. And another thing, The talk with the sec threes really made me realise how much i love my batch, new people and all (: Even though we're like the really lastest-last minute batch there could be, i love appassionata loads. I love every moment i spend with you guys, even the "rehearsals" the day before a busking performance where we're so happy that we managed to finally get everyone that we forget about practising entirely. I will dedicate stuff to each of you guys later in the year but aiyah just know that each of you make me really happy even after a tiring day at school, even though chloe calls me aunty. APPASSIONATA ROCK ON <33 Okay that's all (: no sleepover. no thioman. haiya brintha, i really feel like a caged animal too D: Thursday, February 12, 2009 Y 12:38 AM I just wanted to proudly announce that i finished my tamil homework! I never thought i'd ever use the word finish and tamil in the same sentence ever. But with Latha, things are changing hmm. I sort of don't mind her anymore. WHATS HAPPENING TO THIS WORLD. Im actually liking tamil lessons. Anyway, i should be sleeping now. Ugh school is a drag. I really wanna sleepover on friday! I hope my mum is less mean tomorrow. Whatever happens, happens for the best. I'll just keep thinking that. If it feels weird now, it will all come right in the end. And that's how life works (: Saturday, February 07, 2009 Y 7:59 PM ![]() SURVIVORRR heh. i realised i have never been on a rgs trip before. This doesn't compare to wales but it'll do huh.
Y 3:35 PM I love ALTO TWOO (: And even though we're really noisy and chloe keeps shusshing our section, the alto two family rocks. HAHA we're have like the most happening alto two busking group, with the most happening people, and the most happening intiations and pledges and rituals. We're so happening that we're totally bero. BERO/GALLOP, you guys never fail to make me laugh and i know i'll miss you guys loads when we graduate. I wish shze had a tagboard ): ): Tag replies Vithya: HAHAH you're so out of the loop. Janelle: how YOU doin? nyeh nyeh. haha i bet the chi ko pek green man is still looking for you (: Shze: BEEGER BERO-ER SMILE :D :D i'll show you on tuesday! Grace T: Juniors are getting nicer and nicer by the day :o Angie: AFTER ALL I'VE DONE FOR YOU AND HUAN YING, this is how you repay me? I'm so hurt.. Aditi: bye. Tuesday, February 03, 2009 Y 12:09 AM Thanks aditi, for hearing me out today. It really meant a lot to me. And i'm sorry for the way i acted. It was wrong and rude and mean and unreasonable. I can really be immature sometimes heh. Monday, February 02, 2009 Y 12:13 AM Janelle i linked you alr! People please visit her blog (: She's begging you. TAG PEOPLE, FOR JANELLE'S SAKE. help the less fortunate. Sunday, February 01, 2009 Y 6:01 PM The Australian Open is so entertaining (: I think i found my new idol.
On another note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHZEEE :D <3 Thanks for being there for me since i was sec one and listening to all my problems, cheering me up when i think i can't sing and being retarded with me haha. You're actually the only one who has stayed in the same section as me all these 4 years (everyone else left D:) and i love ya loadssss. HAVE AN AWESOME BIRTHDAYYY! and wait for me, then we can watch NC 16 movies together. |
colourful Hello. I'm varsha 040393 ex-rulangnite rafflesian 6R'05 103'06 203'07 305'08 405'09 choir hadlien ongoing ESCAPADES from rps- amelia cassandra chester danqiong fangying jin Fu lay Ching lin wen priscilla shan jee sharon shiqi stephenie yiling yimeng ying xiang yulin from rgs- aditi angela anu ashlynna bzzz ♥ charlene claudia cheowying emily grace huan ying huiqing hui ying ivalyn jiaying joy kang jie kathy + pris kelly kexin krystal leena miin peixin pristine priya D rachel renci ria ser gin shamaine shi hui siti tze gek vithya yan lin yiyang yun shu yuxi yvonne zhen ling 103 305 FTW fc from choir- amanda chanel chloe?! bianche catherine chanel chengyi emeline en ting fiona geetha giovanni grace kong grace tan jacqueline jodyn jovina kimberly may michelle tan michelle wang peiying priscilla yong reetaza samantha shiao yen shze hui sixuan sneha stacey stefanie suet ping weiling zong min PSLs '06 - chao ying cheryl debbie shihua xiao di into the past -June 2006 -July 2006 -August 2006 -January 2007 -February 2007 -August 2007 -October 2007 -November 2007 -December 2007 -January 2008 -March 2008 -May 2008 -June 2008 -July 2008 -August 2008 -October 2008 -December 2008 -January 2009 -February 2009 -March 2009 -September 2009 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket designer: /♥s}summerkisses} |